Frequently Asked Questions
What is the duration of the BPT Paramedical course at Sanskriti University?
The duration of the BPT Paramedical course at Sanskriti University is 4 years.
What are the eligibility criteria for admission to the BPT Paramedical course at Sanskriti University?
The eligibility criteria for admission to the BPT Paramedical course at Sanskriti University is 10+2 with Physics, Chemistry and Biology as main subjects.
What is the fee structure for the BPT Paramedical course at Sanskriti University?
The fee structure for the BPT Paramedical course at Sanskriti University is Rs. 1,50,000 per annum.
What is the syllabus for the BPT Paramedical course at Sanskriti University?
The syllabus for the BPT Paramedical course at Sanskriti University includes topics such as Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Pathology, Microbiology, Pharmacology, Community Medicine, etc.
What are the job opportunities after completing the BPT Paramedical course at Sanskriti University?
The job opportunities after completing the BPT Paramedical course at Sanskriti University include roles such as Physiotherapist, Rehabilitation Therapist, Occupational Therapist, etc.
What are the placement opportunities after completing the BPT Paramedical course at Sanskriti University?
The placement opportunities after completing the BPT Paramedical course at Sanskriti University include roles such as Physiotherapist, Rehabilitation Therapist, Occupational Therapist, etc. in hospitals, clinics, health care centers, etc.
What are the facilities available at Sanskriti University for the BPT Paramedical course?
The facilities available at Sanskriti University for the BPT Paramedical course include well-equipped laboratories, library, sports facilities, etc.
What are the extra-curricular activities available at Sanskriti University for the BPT Paramedical course?
The extra-curricular activities available at Sanskriti University for the BPT Paramedical course include sports, cultural activities, etc.
What are the specializations available in the BPT Paramedical course at Sanskriti University?
The specializations available in the BPT Paramedical course at Sanskriti University include Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Rehabilitation Therapy, etc.
What is the admission process for the BPT Paramedical course at Sanskriti University?
The admission process for the BPT Paramedical course at Sanskriti University includes filling up the application form, appearing for the entrance exam, and attending the counselling session.